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Refereed Journal Articles
- I. Ayan, A. Fairbrother, P. Fuierer, “Vertical Orientation of Short Wires Using a
Monolayer of Spheres”, Particulate Science & Technology (in press).
- D. Hanft, J. Exner, M. Schubert, T. Stoecker, P. Fuierer, R. Moos, “An Overview of
the Aerosol Deposition Method: Process Fundamentals and New Trends in Materials Applications”,
Feature Article in J. Ceram. Sci. Tech., 06 [03] (2015) 147-182.
- Paul Fuierer, Kevin Ring, Joerg Exner, Ralf Moos, “BICU(TI)VOX as a low/intermediate
temperature SOFC electrolyte: Another Look”, Proc. of the 11th International Conference
on Ceramic Materials & Components for Energy & Environmental Applications, Ceramic
Transactions, Vol. 255 (accepted).
- Jörg Exner, Manuel Hahn, Michael Schubert, Dominik Hanft, Paul Fuierer, Ralf Moos,
“Powder requirements for aerosol deposition of alumina films”, Advanced Powder Technology
26 1143-1151 (2015).
- Joerg Exner, Paul Fuierer, and Ralf Moos, Aerosol Codeposition of Ceramics: Mixtures
of Bi2O3-TiO2 and Bi2O3-V2O5”, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 98 [3] 717-723 (2015).
- J. Exner, P. Fuierer, R. Moos, Aerosol deposition of (Cu,Ti) substituted bismuth vanadate
films,” Thin Solid Films, 573 185-190 (2014).
- P. Fuierer, M. Maier, J. Exner, R. Moos, “Anisotropy and thermal stability of hot-forged
BICUTIVOX oxygen ion conducting ceramics”, J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 34 (2014) 943-951.
- M. Tang, P. Fuierer, P. Dickens, E. Fu, “Irradiation study on Srn+1TinO3n+1 Ruddlesden-Popper
phases synthesized by hot-forging”, Phys. Status Solidi C, 1-5 (2013)
- Paul Fuierer, Russell Maier, Ulla Roder-Roith and Ralf Moos, “Processing Issues Related
to the Bi-dimensional Ionic Conductivity of BIMEVOX Ceramics,” J. Mater. Sci. 46 [16]
5447-5453 (2011).
- Taylor Sparks, Paul A. Fuierer and David R. Clarke, “Anisotropic Thermal Diffusivity
and Conductivity of La-Doped Strontium Niobate Sr2Nb2O7”, J. Amer.Ceram. Soc., 93
[4] 1136-1141 (2010). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2009.03533.x
- Banasri Roy and Paul A. Fuierer, “Influence of Sodium Chloride and Dibasic Sodium
Phosphate Salt Systems on the Anatase-Rutile Phase Transformation and Particle Size
of Titanium Dioxide Powder”, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 93 [2] 436-444 (2010). DOI: 10.1111/j.15512916.2009.034
- Banasri Roy and Paul A. Fuierer, “Synthesis of cobalt-doped bismuth vanadate by combustion-synthesis:
Influence of fuel on phase content and morphology”, J. Mate. Research 24 [10] (2009).
DOI: 10.1557/JMR.2009.0392
- Banasri Roy and Paul A. Fuierer, “Molten Salt Synthesis of Bi4 (V0.85Co0.15) 2O11-d
(BICOVOX) Ceramic Powders”, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 92 [2] 520-523 (2009). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02872.x
- Yang Shen, David R. Clarke, and Paul A. Fuierer, “Anisotropic thermal conductivity
of the Aurivillus phase, bismuth titanate (Bi4Ti3O12): A natural nanostructured superlattice”,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 102907 (2008). DOI: 10.1063/1.2975163.
- Banasri Roy, Scott P. Ahrenkiel, Paul Anton Fuierer, “Controlling the Size and Morphology
of TiO2 Powder by Molten and Solid Salt Synthesis”, J. Amer.Ceram. Soc., 91, [8] 2455-2463
(2008). DOI: 10.1111/j.1551-2916.2008.02456.x. available online at
- J. J. Massarello, J. D. Hochhalter, J. Welsh, A. K. Maji, and P. A. Fuierer, “Fiber
print-through mitigation technique for composite mirror replication”, Optical Engineering,
SPIE Journal 45 [12] 123401 (2006).
- Aniruddha Kulkarni, Alexander Bourandas, Junhang Dong, Paul Fuierer and Hai Xiao,
“Synthesis and Characterization of Nanocrystalline (Zr0.84Y0.16)O1.92-(Ce0.85Sm0.15)O1.925
Heterophase Thin Films”, J. Mat. Res. 21 [2] 500-504 (2006).
- Margit J. Jensen and Paul A. Fuierer, “Low-temperature Preparation of Nanocrystalline
Anatase Films Through a Sol-Gel Route”, J. of Sol-Gel Sci. and Tech. 39 229-233 (2006).
online first DOI 10.1007/s10971-006-7837-5, URL
- T. Burleigh and P. Fuierer, "Tuning Forks for Vibrant Teaching," Journal of Metals,
57 [11] 26-27 (2005).
- Lee Benysek and Paul Fuierer, “Photoresist Modification of Sol-Gel Solutions for Texturing
of Bi4Ti3O12 and Bi3TiNbO9 Thin Films”, J. of Sol-Gel Sci. and Tech. 34 241-250 (2005).
- Ali Ceylan and Paul A. Fuierer, “Lanthanum Titanate (La2Ti2O7) as an Interphase Material
in Alumina (Al2O3) Based Composites”, Key Eng. Materials,264 829-832 (2004).
- Mary Sandstrom and Paul Fuierer, “Sol-Gel Synthesis of Textured Lanthanum Titanate
Thin Films”, J. Mat. Res. 18 [2] 357-362 (2003).
- Paul Fuierer, Bo Li and Hyun Sik Jeon, “Characterization of Particle Size and Shape
in an Ageing Bismuth Titanate Sol Using Dynamic and Static Light Scattering”, J. of
Sol-Gel Sci. and Tech. 27 (2003).
- Paul Fuierer and Bo Li, " Non-Epitaxial Orientation in Sol-Gel Bismuth Titanate Films",
J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 85 [2] (2002).
- Shan Sun, Ping Lu, and Paul Fuierer, "Oriented Bismuth Titanate Thin Films by Single-Solid-Source
Metal-Organic Chemical Vapour Deposition", Journal ofCrystal Growth , 205 177-184
- Shan Sun and Paul Fuierer, “Modeling of Depolarization in Ferroelectric Thin Films”,
Integrated Ferroelectrics, 23 [1] (1999).
- P. Fuierer, S. Sun and L. Liu, “Oriented Bismuth Titanate Sol-Gel Films for NDRO Ferroelectric
Memories”, Sol- Gel Science and Technology, Ceramic Transactions Vol 55, eds. E. Pope,
S. Saka and L.C. Klein, pp. 199-206, American Ceramic Society (1995).
- R. Turner, P. Fuierer, T. Shrout and R. Newnham, "Materials for High Temperature Acoustic
and Vibration Sensors: A Review," Applied Acoustics 41299-324 (1994).
- S. Sun, P. Fuierer and B.A. Tuttle, "Depolarization and Hysteresis Loop Asymetry in
PZT Thin Films With Self-Polarization", Ferroelectrics 152 187-193 (1994).
- W. Pan, S. Sun and P.A. Fuierer, "Effects of Ferroelectric Switching on Ferroelectric
Properties in Lead Zirconate Titanate Ferroelectric Ceramics and Their Modeling,"
J. Appl. Phys. 74 [2] 1256 (1993)
- P.A. Fuierer, T.R. Shrout and R.E. Newnham, "Physical, Electrical and Piezoelectric
Properties of Hot-forged Sr2 (NbTa) 2O7 Ceramics," in Smart Materials Fabrication
and Materials for Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems, MRS Symposium Proceedings 276
51 (1992).
- P.A. Fuierer and R.E. Newnham,"La2Ti2O7 Ceramics", J. Amer. Ceram . Soc. 74 [11] 2876
- P.A. Fuierer, T.T. Srinivasan and R.E. Newnham, “Synthesis of Y-Ba-Cu-O Powders via
the Evaporative Decomposition of Solutions”, in Ceramic Superconductors 2nd ed. M.F.
Yan, American Ceramic Society (1988).